Using the Mars, Venus and Mercury Retrogrades to review the year and reap its significant lessons.

Destroy + Rebuild

28 days of prompts to activate change within

the visitor center

You know when you’re hiking , or traveling to somewhere you have never been, or inside King of Prussia mall? And yeah, there are maps, but you really just wish you could just ask someone, how to get to where you want to be?

That’s what a reading with me feels like—you’re getting immediate clarity or validation that you are headed in the right direction.

  • A natal chart is a map of the sky the moment you take your first breath.

    To me it is a mirror–a springboard for self-reflection.

    My goal isn’t really to tell you who you are but rather validate where you are in this moment and what feels significant.

    If you’re feeling unsure about your place in the world, astrology readings can be a reminder of how very much you belong.

    Cost: $125

    Sliding Scale for Adoptees: $50-$200

  • Are you writing a book? It’s more than just putting words on a page. The endeavor of writing a novel is both physical and emotional labor. As your writing coach I help with accountability but also in unblocking the perfectionism, fear and self-doubt that surround writing the novel and keep us blocked.

    Cost: Curated together

  • Sometimes you just need someone to read your energy for you. Sometimes the hardest person to understand is yourself. Divination is a cathartic process to clear out and clean out your energy.
